Wednesday, June 29, 2011

'Love in the Wild' Premiere Review: 'Love' Isn't Exactly the Word for It...

lovewildreview.JPGA camera pans over a massive green mountain, hazy blue sky and surrounding valley. The footage looks like maybe it got cut from Jurassic Park for being too majestic. Two parallel planes dance together as they fly over a lush ravine. We see their smiling faces peering anxiously, hopefully out the tiny windows as an Australian voice says, "Inside these planes are ten single men and ten single women. They have one thing in common: They're all looking for love."

Thus begins tonight's premiere episode of Love in the Wild, NBC's newest reality dating series that clearly wants us to believe that it considers itself a real-life romantic epic, grand in both its location and hopes for its contestants. At least in the beginning, the show's intentions sound reasoned and pure (at least to those who have never actually seen a reality dating show before): To put these young, attractive, single, mostly white people on dates in the most extreme of wilderness situations, reward the most successful male-female partners with romantic prize packages, and hope that the combination of thrilling adventure, gorgeous landscape and mandatory teamwork will result in a lasting love for at least one of these couples. "It's like speed dating meets Romancing the Stone!" a naive person might think to him- or herself. "An epic tale of risk, danger and romance!"

Michael Jackson Ke$ha Kid Rock Christina Aguilera

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