Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kim Kardashian Grants First Post-Divorce Interview, Defends Motives for Marriage

Immediately after filing for divorce from Kris Humphries, Kim Kardashian jetted down to Australia to promote her family's collection of handbags. Naturally.

But, even thousands of miles away, this large-breasted reality star couldn't escape questions about her 72-day marriage, which Kim swears was based on love, not ratings.

"I think I'm trying to do the best I can, and it's actually a bit of an escape to come here," Kim said, personality-less as ever, in radio interview on the Kyle and Jackie O show, excerpted here:

Adding that she really isn't ready to discuss details of what led to the split - not for free, come on, Australian hosts! - Kardashian reiterated:

"I do want to make clear that I would never marry for a TV show, for money, for anything like that. I think that's really ridiculous that I have to even defend that," and then added: "I guess, you know, that comes along with when you film your wedding for a reality show."

THANK YOU, KIM! That is all we can reasonably ask for here. Even if you want us to buy your story of love and heartbreak, it's ridiculous and insulting to not at least acknowledge why some might think otherwise.

Why do you think Kim Kardashian got married?

Emma Watson Heidi Klum Neve Campbell

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