Tuesday, January 4, 2011

11 Bad TV Habits I Hope to Kick in 2011

large_Carell.JPGIt's almost the New Year: The exciting time of change and new beginnings, yes. But in order to make that change happen, we also need to make it the time of honest self-assessment and (hopefully) absolution.

And so I must come clean: Among these TV-themed bad habits, I have been guilty of at least five. OK, more like seven. Fine, nine. Screw it, I've done ALL OF THEM. Nobody's perfect, and me, even less so. But I hope that laying them all out here will put us (talking at you, my fellow mistake-making TV fans out there) on the right track to a better relationship with our shows and screens going forward. It's important work, and that's why we do it.

So here I come, New Year. Here are the TV habits I hope to kick in 2011:

Jersey Shore DJ Pauley Situation Snooky

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